Saturday, November 1, 2008

Eating our Creation!

Here are the pictures of us eating the applesauce that we made. :)

Making Homemade Applesauce

Our apple unit was FILLED with hands on activities and science lessons. We were able to use all of the apples that were sent in to school to make applesauce from scratch! The children took turns using the apple peeler/corer to get their apple ready to go in the electric cooking pot. We added cinnamon and a dash of sugar and cooked it most of the morning. The aroma that filled our classroom was incredible! Near the end of the day we held a taste test to try our creation. The kids LOVED it and asked for seconds. We also tasted the other apple products that we received: apple butter, apple pie & apple juice. Thank you for your donations to our classroom to make this wonderful experience happen.

Apple Close-Ups


Measuring Mouse Tails

When we were learning about the letter "Mm" the class created mice in order to measure their tails. The children cut different length tails, which they seriated from shortest to longest. Then using a non-standard form of measurement - cubes - they measured each tail and wrote the length on the end.

Measurement Close-Ups

Look at my accomplishment!
3 cubes... that's the ticket!
Hard at work!
Future Mathemetician
Measurement is fun!!
Lining up cubes on her mouse tail.
Estimating the length in cubes
Counting cubes